Volunteering in BA2250

The CSSU proudly maintains a student lounge in BA 2250 in which students can hang out, network, play games and ask questions. We have a snack store, gaming centre, study spaces and more! Office operations volunteers manage the lounge, assist in answering questions, and directing students to appropriate resources.

Thanks for volunteering! It will be a great opportunity to network and engage with your fellow students. First and foremost, please join our Discord server. The following is a guide on managing the lounge for volunteers. Also feel free to join our unofficial Discord server to connect with more UofT CS students!

Room Access

As of January 2024, the following is in effect.

  • Volunteers will have 8AM-9PM access on weekdays.
  • Members of the Executive Council shall have access outside of these hours to the lounge (BA2250) and storage room (BA2285).

Snack Store

The CSSU maintains a snack store, the proceeds of which are put back into the CSSU treasury in compliance with charity regulations.

  • Most items are kept on the snack shelf (the white one) and the red fridge.
  • Ice-cream sandwiches are stored in freezer in the kitchenette.
  • Volunteers are expected to make sales on Square. Log-in to the iPad, open the app, and tap on the items they're selling.
  • Please do not accept card payments for sales totalling less than $1.00; encourage customers to pay in cash or buy multiple items.
  • If the snack shelf or cooler are running low on items, restock from the black cabinet.
  • We also have a free shelf (the grey one) with stationery, culinary, and sex supplies. Please ensure that students take things in moderation.


  • Books and loose dry-erase whiteboard markers are free for use in the lounge.
  • If a student wants to loan a book, ask them to deposit some form of ID (TCard, driver's licence, Ontario Photo Card, or passport).
  • You may accept a health card if a student offers it, but we cannot request a health card by law.

Gaming Systems

  • Students may use the gaming consoles and display systems.
  • Please be vigilant about the controllers and equipment; instances of theft have been reported in the past.


  • Students are free to use the microwave, kettle, and sink.
  • The silver refrigerator is open for use given that the users understand they can only pick up their items when there's a volunteer on duty.
  • Please ensure students tag any items put into the fridge with a sticky note or marker. Sometimes there are freebies in here and we don't want someone to accidentally take a student's item because it wasn't labeled. This also helps with cleaning the fridge out.
  • The freezer is often full with ice cream sandwiches, but students may store things in the door if they fit.

Lost Items

  • Lost items found in the building are often turned into the CSSU. Please try to locate the owner using any information on if it is possible.
  • If an item is very expensive and you cannot determine the owner, please ask the student to turn it into caretaking or Campus Safety.
  • With lost TCards, you can email the student by sending an email to <their_utorid>@mail.utoronto.ca, this will alias to their UofT inbox, but it will not show up in your outlook directory.
  • When emailing a student about a lost item, please CC utcssu@gmail.com. For higher value items also post in the #office-ops channel.

Other Things

  • Try to answer student questions to the best of your ability; if you don't know the answer, you can ask in the #office-ops channel or direct them elsewhere.
  • Other people such as caretaking staff, instructors, student family, are also welcome.
  • Let the Executive Council know if you need anything from the storage room.
  • Ensure that everyone is comfortable and observing the code of conduct .
  • If you can't make your shift for any reason, just let us know in #office-ops on Discord.
  • Students often come in looking for BA2270, that is the TA help centre next door. Please direct them their if they are asking where course office hours are.